Instagram hacking





instagram hacks

Instagram's algorithm

For both individuals and businesses, Instagram is an important medium. But how can you make sure your posts rise above other posts? How do you get more likes, comments and followers? We explain how Instagram's new algorithm works and how you can bypass it so you become a real boss in Instagram!

Instagram's algorithm focuses mainly on the following six elements:


Based on your behavior on Instagram, your interest is determined for different posts. Instagram ensures that posts you'd be more interested in are ranked higher in your timeline.


Novelty means that more recent posts take precedence over your timeline.


Posts of profiles you are interested in take precedence over posts from other profiles.


Instagram wants to make sure you see the most relevant posts. The more you use your timeline, the more chronological your timeline looks.


When following a large number of different accounts, Instagram tries to show a post per account. As a result, you won't see multiple posts from the same account so quickly.

6. USE

What also affects your timeline is how long you use Instagram. Are you looking at your timeline in detail or are you just looking fast? Instagram provides the most interesting content on your timeline with this information. But how do you make sure you bypass this algorithm? The following algorithm hacks make it easier for you to boost your Instagram account!


By using hidden hashtags and (geo)tags in your stories you get more views and therefore chances are that you will be included in a story of a particular hashtag. You can hide your hashtags well. Create your hashtag the same color as the background of your story. This way, it's possible to put dozens of hashtags in your story and no one sees it.


The more interesting you make your stories, the more engagement, likes and comments you get with your posts.


Within the first 30 minutes of your post, only 10 of your followers can see it. Make sure you're active on your Instagram after posting a post so you can create more engagement for your own profile.


After posting on other posts with more than four words, respond to private messages, and post a story of your new post.


You'll be ranked higher by a high viewing time on your profile, as Instagram sees this as an important profile. So make sure you have interesting posts that attract attention.


Tagging famous people, companies and brands in your photo is a good way to increase your awareness. These profiles will receive a notification of your photo that you tagged them in. In addition, you will also be "tagged" button on the Instagram of the famous profile. This allows you to reach more people and you may get more comments and followers on Instagram.


Well-known influencers/large companies obviously have a wide range. Now you can take a bite out of that by posting a comment under these profiles. This gives you a better chance that the followers of that one well-known blogger will also go to your profile to view your feed.

Apply the hacks and the chances are many times more likely that you will end up on the crawl page, so more and more people are viewing your profile. In addition, you are more likely to pass by as a suggested profile.

This creates interest from other users, which means that they are more likely to go to your profile. In addition, your posts and stories will be ranked higher on another user's timeline.

Are you curious about what your Instagram is like? Then do the Free Instagram Scan and go to for more info.

Sander Baas
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Sander is al 10 jaar de Online Eindbaas. Manager van het Bazen team. In zijn werk richt Sander zich op de groei, de sales en het management binnen Baas & Baas, waarbij hij zich focust op het benaderen van bedrijven die net als Baas & Baas een positieve impact willen maken op de wereld. Sander gelooft dat communicatie het fundament is van elke organisatie. Met behulp van goede communicatie kun je vertrouwen creëren, resultaten behalen en je doelstellingen bereiken. Mensen informeren, motiveren en aansturen kan hij dus als geen ander!

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