8 best marketing podcasts





Do you want something useful while you're cycling to work, sitting in a corner in the subway or ironing shirts? Dive into the world of podcasts. Because there is no image, you can do something else in the meantime. Listen to the podcasts for free on the websites, but also via iTunes or Spotify. We'd love to share our eight favorite marketing podcasts with you.

Guy Raz - How I built this (Guy Raz)

This podcast is - how do you guess it - about how people build something. American journalist Guy Raz focuses on special entrepreneurs, ranging from professional snowboarders to fashion entrepreneurs and from HR professionals to organic food experts. The lengths of the episodes also vary, which we like ourselves; for example, there is an episode suitable for every time frame - whether that's your intercity ride from Amsterdam to Breda or a ferry from Amsterdam Central to North. The great thing about the interviews is that they are not boringly recorded in a studio, but often with an audience. Our favorite episode: "Airbnb's Joe Gebbia At The HIBT Summit" where Guy interviews the founder of Airbnb during his own HIBT (How I Built This) event. Only takes 15 minutes and is very inspiring.


VPRO - Future Shock

A delicious podcast from Dutch soil. The Future Shock podcast is about technology. What's the connection to marketing? Marketing is closely linked to technology. One of our favorite episodes is about fast fashion and its consequences. Even if you don't work in fashion, you can learn a lot from the way such a problem is looked at and how everything is actually about the consumer. With two episodes per month, this podcast can also be kept up to the top. The subjects are quite diverse, so you can learn a lot. The episodes all last about half an hour. We're fans.


Gary Vee - The GaryVee Audio Experience

Gary Vee is at first glance maybe a little too much  

for you, but you need to get through that  amazing  

look over it. "Thiiiiis is the Gary Vee Audio Experience! ? It's about to be legendary!?" sounds very American... His content is very valuable and he tackles various topics. He posts new podcasts quite often (every day!) and you can see that he puts a lot of time and effort into it. So he sometimes posts regular podcasts, then the recordings of a conference where he was a speaker and then another interview. We are especially fans of the episode where he is invited to the UAE to give his opinion on digital media in the United Arab Emirates. His opinion is sharp, but he knows what he's talking about and shares good ideas.


Wayne Parker Kent - The Brief

Maybe our favorite podcast because of the interesting guests. If you like structure, this podcast is made for you. They always start with three news about media, content and marketing. After that, the guest is interviewed on a particular topic. The two hosts (Mark Schoones and Matthijs Tielman) alternate nicely and both ask good questions. At the end, we are asked if the attendees have seen any good content. The mix of news, the interview and inspiration makes it a great podcast to listen to. Do you hear something interesting, for example a useful tool or new website with the news? Then you can find it in the shownotes. The episodes all last an hour, but you can easily pause them after each part and get back in. Our most beloved episode is that of Boris van Zanten of The Next Web, because he gives good entrepreneurial tips and also gives you a glimpse into his own life.


The Correspondent + Momkai - Wonder

This podcast is more suitable for designers, but you can also learn from it as a marketer. Journalist Ernst-Jan Pfauth (from De Correspondent) and designer Harald Dunnink (of design company Momkai) put each episode at the centre of a subject and then seek a design that interests them. The episodes are not consistently placed; the last one has been posted a few weeks ago and 7 episodes have been posted in six months (plus a teaser). In any case, it is interesting to hear how designers work and what they do and don't like. Funny thing is that they're never actually together; Ernst-Jan is often in New York and Harald in the Netherlands, but both travel a lot. We especially enjoyed "What makes a design timeless?" because it has a lot of common ground with entrepreneurship and marketing.


BNR - Growth heroes

Radio station BNR has had a podcast about growth strategies of companies since September last year. The guests are not the least: founders of Helloprint, Picnic (supermarkets), Srprs.me (Surprise Me) and Mollie will speak. Every week, journalist and entrepreneur Meindert Schut asks the shirt about how to grow your business. Nice sober, businesslike, sleek and clear with a lovely background music. Episodes do not last too long and a range of companies is cited. Actually, every podcast is relevant and interesting, but from time to time there are episodes that have been marketingaim. One of them is that about "the growth cannon online marketing" - which we recommend because of the important trends that are mentioned.


Denis Doeland - Digital Power

How can you optimize your fan relationship to collect fan data? Business hacker Denis Doeland gives tips to use the internet and social media well. This means meeting the wishes of your fans, customers, employees and whoever you are dealing with. He wrote a book of the same name and in this podcast he shares a chapter twice a week. It is read out by someone else, but it is very nice that Denis just shares his knowledge with us for free! Among other things, he talks about a conten strategy, business hacking and networking, but also about social media and technology. Very nice about his podcast is that every episode a certain case is central. Here he talks about a company and what we can learn from it. The episodes are nice and short, really only 3 to 18 minutes (most so around 10 minutes). No more excuses!


Rogier van Kralingen - The website is the boss

Writer, musician and speaker; Rogier van Kralingen is a born storyteller. In this incredibly interesting podcast; 'The website is the boss' explains how your website will become the most important means of communication in 2019. Is the 'Duopoly' power of Instagram and Facebook as huge as it used to be? Or does the 'fake news' hype lower consumer confidence in the 'Duopoly'? Rogier explains in a fun way how the old, familiar, classic media will be completely hip again in 2019. So, now you're just as sweet with podcasts! Are you going to let us know if it's affected you? And we are also very curious about your favorite podcast, so share it especially - we're going to listen to it in the office ;-)

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5.0 sterren op basis van 43 waarderingen.
Julien Dijkslag , Maart, 2023

Baas & Baas bedankt voor de goede service 🙌. Tot de volgende keer 💪🏼

Rogier van Kralingen , December, 2023

Geeft perspectief en uitstekende service, vooral in tijden waarin marketing overweldigend kan zijn.

Sol Wortelboer , Februari, 2024

Uitstekende samenwerking, geweldige service en communicatie met een goed product tot gevolg. Grote bazen :)

Heleen Spruijt , Februari, 2020

We zijn superblij met het eindresultaat van onze webshop neeve.com en vinden de samenwerking met Baas & Baas erg goed. De lijnen zijn kort waardoor er snel én efficient geschakeld kan worden.

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